

Pronunciation: (uh-bloo-shuhnz)


Ablutions refer to the act of cleansing or purifying oneself, particularly through the use of water. It is commonly associated with religious or ceremonial rituals. In Nepali, ablutions can be translated as:

  • पवित्रीकरण (pavitrīkaraṇa) – purification
  • स्नान (snāna) – bathing

Nearby words:

  • Sanctify – पवित्र (pavitra) – to make holy or sacred
  • Ritual – क्रिया (kriyā) – a religious or solemn ceremony
  • Cleansing – शुद्धि (śuddhi) – the act of making something clean
  • Hygiene – स्वच्छता (svacchatā) – conditions or practices to maintain health and cleanliness


  • Purification
  • Cleansing
  • Washing


  • Contamination – प्रदूषण (pradūṣaṇa) – the presence of harmful or unwanted substances
  • Defilement – मलिनता (malinatā) – the act of making something impure or dirty

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