Agricultural Farm
Meaning in Nepali: कृषि फार्म, कृषि खेती
Pronunciation: (ag-ri-kuhl-cher-uhl farm)
Part of Speech: noun
Nearby Words:
- 1. Agriculture (noun): कृषि, कृषि विज्ञान
- 2. Farmer (noun): किसान, खेतिहरु
- 3. Cultivation (noun): खेती, खेती गर्ने
- 4. Livestock (noun): पशुपालन, पशुधन
- 5. Harvest (noun): फसल, फसलको समय
- 1. Farmstead
- 2. Agricultural Estate
- 3. Plantation
- 4. Ranch
- 5. Homestead
No direct antonyms found in Nepali.
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Remember, an agricultural farm refers to a piece of land used for cultivating crops, raising livestock, or both. It plays a crucial role in providing food and resources for human consumption. Understanding the meaning, pronunciation, part of speech, and related words can enhance your knowledge of this term.