Awe Inspiring Meaning in Nepali
भयङ्कर, आश्चर्यजनक, प्रशंसापात्र, आदर्शजनक, अद्भुत, आदर्शजनक
Nearby Words:
Noun: भयङ्करता, आश्चर्य, प्रशंसापात्रता, आदर्शता, अद्भुतता, आदर्शता
Adjective: भयङ्कर, आश्चर्यजनक, प्रशंसापात्र, आदर्शजनक, अद्भुत, आदर्शजनक
Part of Speech:
Awe Inspiring Synonyms:
amazing (अद्भुत), breathtaking (सांस फेर्ने), impressive (प्रभावशाली), magnificent (महिमान्वित), overwhelming (अत्यधिक), stunning (आकर्षक)
Description and Origination:
Awe inspiring is an adjective that describes something that evokes a feeling of admiration, wonder, or reverence. It refers to something that is extremely impressive, breathtaking, or extraordinary. The term originated from the combination of the words “awe” and “inspiring,” emphasizing the ability of something to inspire awe or amazement in others.
unimpressive (अप्रभावशाली), ordinary (साधारण), unremarkable (असाधारण नभएको), uninspiring (प्रेरणाहीन), dull (उबाउने)
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