Backyard Meaning in Nepali
Nepali Meaning: बाहिरी आँगन, बाहिरी ठाउँ
Nearby Words
Noun: Garden (बगैंचा), Courtyard (आँगन), Patio (पटियो), Terrace (मनोहर छत), Veranda (छत्ती)
Adjective: Outdoor (बाहिरी), Exterior (बाहिरी), External (बाह्य), Open-air (खुला आकाशमा), Al fresco (आकाशमा)
Part of Speech of Backyard:
Pronunciation of Backyard:
Backyard Synonyms:
1. Garden (बगैंचा)
2. Courtyard (आँगन)
3. Patio (पटियो)
4. Terrace (मनोहर छत)
5. Veranda (छत्ती)
6. Outdoor space (बाहिरी ठाउँ)
Description and Origination of Backyard:
A backyard refers to the area at the back of a house or building. It is typically an outdoor space that can be used for various purposes such as gardening, relaxation, or social gatherings. In Nepali, a backyard is known as “बाहिरी आँगन” or “बाहिरी ठाउँ.” It provides a private and intimate space for individuals or families to enjoy nature and engage in outdoor activities without leaving the comfort of their own property.
Frontyard (अगाडीको आँगन), Interior (आन्तरिक), Indoor (भित्री), Enclosed (घेरिएको), Covered (ढकिएको)
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