

Meaning in Nepali: विदेशी, अन्य ग्रहबाट आएको, अपरिचित (videshi, anya grahabata aeko, aparijita)

Pronunciation: (ey-lee-uhnz)

Part of Speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • Extraterrestrial (noun) – बाह्यग्रही (bahyagrahi)
  • Spacecraft (noun) – अन्तरिक्ष यान (antariksha yaan)
  • Unidentified (adjective) – पहिचान नगरेको (pahichan nagareko)


  • Extraterrestrials
  • ETs
  • Foreigners
  • Non-residents
  • Outsiders

Antonyms: नेपाली (Nepali)

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Aliens refer to beings from another planet or celestial body. In Nepali, they are known as “विदेशी” (videshi), “अन्य ग्रहबाट आएको” (anya grahabata aeko), or “अपरिचित” (aparijita). As a noun, aliens are often associated with extraterrestrial life forms. Some nearby words include “extraterrestrial” (बाह्यग्रही), “spacecraft” (अन्तरिक्ष यान), and “unidentified” (पहिचान नगरेको). Synonyms for aliens include “extraterrestrials,” “ETs,” “foreigners,” “non-residents,” and “outsiders.” The antonym for aliens in Nepali is “नेपाली” (Nepali).