
atper Meaning in Nepali: अटपर, अटपरको, अटपरले, अटपरमा, अटपरसँग

Nearby Words:

Noun: अटपरी, अटपरता, अटपरताको, अटपरताले, अटपरतामा

Adjective: अटपर, अटपरको, अटपरले, अटपरमा, अटपरसँग

Adverb: अटपरी, अटपरता, अटपरताको, अटपरताले, अटपरतामा

Part of Speech of atper:


Pronunciation of atper:


atper Synonyms:

1. Agile – चुस्त, चपल

2. Nimble – चुस्त, चपल

3. Quick – चुस्त, चपल

4. Spry – चुस्त, चपल

5. Lively – चुस्त, चपल

6. Active – चुस्त, चपल

Description and Origination of atper:

Atper is a Nepali word that means agile or nimble. It is an adjective used to describe someone who is quick and spry in their movements. The word originated from the Nepali language and is commonly used in everyday conversations. Being atper is considered a positive trait as it signifies a person’s ability to move swiftly and actively. It is often used to describe athletes or individuals who possess great physical dexterity. The word atper is widely understood and used in Nepali-speaking communities.


1. Slow – ढिलो

2. Inactive – निष्क्रिय

3. Sluggish – ढिलो

4. Lazy – आलसी

5. Lethargic – आलसी

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