

Pronunciation: (uh-bahy-sahy)


Abaci is the plural form of the noun “abacus”.

Nearby Words:

  • Abacus – गणक
  • Abacinate – आत्महत्या गर्नु
  • Abacterial – जीवाणुरहित
  • Abactinal – अग्रभागी
  • Abactor – चोर
  • Abacus – गणक
  • Abacuses – गणकहरू


  • Counting frame
  • Calculating table
  • Counting board
  • Calculating machine
  • Calculator


  • Calculator – गणक
  • Computer – कम्प्युटर

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Abaci, the plural form of the noun “abacus,” refers to a calculating tool used for performing arithmetic operations. It has been used for centuries in various cultures around the world. The word “abaci” is pronounced as “uh-bahy-sahy.”

The abacus, or “ganak” in Nepali, is a device that consists of a series of rods or wires with beads that can be moved back and forth. It is used to represent numbers and perform calculations by manipulating the beads. The abacus is considered an early form of a calculator and is still used in some educational settings today.

Some nearby words related to abaci include “abacinate” (meaning to blind or kill by putting a heated metal plate near someone’s eyes), “abacterial” (meaning without bacteria), and “abactinal” (referring to the upper surface of a starfish).

Synonyms for abaci include “counting frame,” “calculating table,” “counting board,” “calculating machine,” and “calculator.” On the other hand, antonyms for abaci include “calculator” and “computer.”

For further information on abaci, you can visit Dictionary.com, Wikipedia.org, or TheFreeDictionary.com.