
Bacteriologist Meaning in Urdu: Definition and Synonyms

A bacteriologist, known as “بیکٹیریالوجسٹ” in Urdu, is a scientist who studies bacteria, their characteristics, and their effects on living organisms. Bacteriologists play a crucial role in the field of microbiology and contribute to various areas such as medicine, agriculture, and environmental science.

Synonyms of Bacteriologist:

  • میکروبیالوجسٹ (Microbiologist)
  • جراثیم شناس (Germs Expert)
  • بیکٹیریا کا ماہر (Expert in Bacteria)


The pronunciation of “bacteriologist” in English is [bak-teer-ee-ol-uh-jist].


  • بیکٹیریا سے ناواقف (Unfamiliar with Bacteria)
  • جراثیموں کا علم نہ رکھنے والا (Ignorant of Germs)

Nearby Words:

  • Noun: بیکٹیریا (Bacteria)
  • Noun: جراثیم (Germs)
  • Noun: میکروب (Microbe)
  • Noun: ایکسٹریموفائل (Extremophile)

Origin of the Word:

The word “bacteriologist” originated from the combination of two Greek words: “bakterion” meaning “small staff” and “logos” meaning “study.” It was first used in the late 19th century.

Examples Sentences:

  1. بیکٹیریالوجسٹ نے جراثیموں کی تشخیص کی.
  2. میکروبیالوجسٹ نے نئے جراثیم کا دریافت کیا.
  3. بیکٹیریا کے ماہر نے ایک نئی تحقیق کی شروعات کی.

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