
Agriculturists: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Agriculturists, pronounced as “ag-ri-kuhl-cher-ists,” refers to individuals who are involved in the practice of agriculture. They are experts in cultivating crops, raising livestock, and managing agricultural land. In Urdu, agriculturists can be referred to as “زراعت کار” (Zaraat Kar), “کاشتکار” (Kashtkar), or “کسان” (Kisaan).

Origin of the Word Agriculturists

The term “agriculturists” originated from the Latin word “agricultura,” which combines “ager” (field) and “cultura” (cultivation). It signifies the art and science of cultivating the land for agricultural purposes.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Some synonyms of agriculturists include farmers, cultivators, tillers, and agronomists. Antonyms of agriculturists can be non-farmers, urban dwellers, or individuals engaged in non-agricultural professions.

Nearby Words

  • Farmers: کسان (Kisaan) – noun
  • Cultivators: کاشتکار (Kashtkar) – noun
  • Agronomists: زراعت کار (Zaraat Kar) – noun

Example Sentences

  • English: The agriculturists are working hard to increase crop yields.
  • Urdu: زراعت کار محنت کر رہے ہیں تاکہ فصلوں کی پیداوار میں اضافہ ہو سکے۔

Additional Resources

To explore more about agriculturists, you can visit the following websites: