agreement to sell

Agreement to Sell: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

The term “Agreement to Sell” is pronounced as uh-gree-muhnt too sel. In Urdu, it is known as “فروخت کی معاہدہ” (Frokht ki Muahida).

Meanings in Urdu

Here are a few meanings of “Agreement to Sell” in Urdu:

  1. فروخت کی معاہدہ (Frokht ki Muahida)
  2. بیچنے کا معاہدہ (Bechnay ka Muahida)
  3. فروختی معاہدہ (Frokhti Muahida)

Origin of the Word Agreement to Sell

The term “Agreement to Sell” is a legal phrase used to refer to a contract between a buyer and a seller. It outlines the terms and conditions of the sale of a property or goods. The origin of this term can be traced back to English common law.

Synonyms of Agreement to Sell

Some synonyms of “Agreement to Sell” include:

  • Sales Agreement
  • Contract of Sale
  • Sale Deed


Antonyms of “Agreement to Sell” in Urdu:

  1. خرید کی معاہدہ (Kharid ki Muahida) – Agreement to Buy
  2. معاہدہ توڑنا (Muahida torna) – Terminate Agreement
  3. معاہدہ منسوخ کرنا (Muahida mansookh karna) – Cancel Agreement

Nearby Words

Here are some nearby words related to “Agreement to Sell” along with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
Agreement Noun معاہدہ (Muahida)
Sell Verb فروخت کرنا (Frokht karna)
Buy Verb خریدنا (Kharidna)
Contract Noun معاہدہ (Muahida)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are a few example sentences using “Agreement to Sell” along with their Urdu meanings:

  • He signed an agreement to sell his car. (وہ اپنی گاڑی بیچنے کا معاہدہ کر چکا ہے۔)
  • The agreement to sell the property was finalized. (جائیداد کی فروخت کی معاہدہ مکمل ہوگئی تھی۔)
  • They are negotiating the terms of the agreement to sell. (وہ معاہدہ کی شرائط پر مذاکرات کر رہے ہیں۔)

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