
Agreement: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Agreement is a commonly used word in English, pronounced as uh-gree-muhnt. In Urdu, it is known as “معاہدہ” (mu’ahida) or “اتفاق” (itifaq). It is derived from the Latin word “agreementum,” which means “harmony of opinion.”

Synonyms of Agreement

  • Consensus – اتفاق (itifaq)
  • Understanding – سمجھوتہ (samjhota)
  • Concord – میل (mail)
  • Harmony – ہم آہنگی (ham ahangi)
  • Accord – موافقت (muwafiqat)

Antonyms of Agreement

  • Disagreement – اختلاف (ikhtilaf)
  • Conflict – تنازع (tanaza)
  • Contradiction – تضاد (tazad)
  • Opposition – مخالفت (mukhalifat)
  • Denial – انکار (inkar)

Nearby Words

  • Agreeable (adjective) – موزوں (muzoon)
  • Agreed (adjective) – متفق (muttafiq)
  • Agreeably (adverb) – موزوں طور پر (muzoon tor par)
  • Agreeing (verb) – متفق ہونا (muttafiq hona)
  • Agreeability (noun) – موزوںیت (muzooniyat)

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  • We reached an agreement on the terms of the contract. – ہم نے عقد کی شرائط پر معاہدہ کیا (hum ne aqad ki shara’at par mu’ahida kiya).
  • They are in complete agreement with our proposal. – وہ ہماری تجویز کے مکمل متفق ہیں (woh hamari tajweez ke mukammal muttafiq hain).
  • There is a lack of agreement between the two parties. – دونوں طرفوں کے درمیان معاہدے کی کمی ہے (donon tarafon ke darmiyan mu’ahiday ki kami hai).

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