
Aristocracies Meaning in Urdu: اشرافیہ

Aristocracies is pronounced as “ar-uh-stok-ruh-seez” and it refers to a form of government where power is held by a small group of privileged individuals who are usually from noble or wealthy families. In Urdu, aristocracies is translated as “اشرافیہ” which means the ruling class or the elite.

Synonyms of Aristocracies:

  • Elite – اشراف
  • Nobility – اعلیٰ نسبی
  • Gentry – اشرافیہ

Antonyms of Aristocracies:

  • Democracy – جمہوریت
  • Equality – برابری
  • Commoners – عوام

Nearby Words:

  • Aristocrat (Noun) – اشرافی
  • Aristocratic (Adjective) – اشرافی
  • Aristocratically (Adverb) – اشرافی طور پر

Origin of the Word Aristocracies:

The word “aristocracies” originated from the Greek word “aristokratia” which means “rule of the best”. It is derived from the combination of “aristos” meaning “best” and “kratos” meaning “rule” or “power”.

Examples Sentences:

  1. The aristocracies of Europe held immense power during the medieval period. (یورپ کی اشرافیہ نے عصر وسطی میں بہت زیادہ قدرت رکھی تھی۔)
  2. Her family’s aristocracies allowed her to attend the most prestigious schools. (اس کے خاندان کی اشرافیہ نے اسے سب سے برتر ترین اسکولوں میں داخلہ کرنے کی اجازت دی۔)

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