
Archways Meaning in Urdu: Definition and Pronunciation

Archways, pronounced as “ahrch-weyz,” refers to a structure or passage with an arched roof or top. In Urdu, archways can be translated as “آرک وے” or “آرک گزرگاہ.” It is a compound word consisting of “آرک” meaning “arch” and “وے” or “گزرگاہ” meaning “way” or “passage.”

Synonyms of Archways

  • Arches (آرک)
  • Passages (گزرگاہ)
  • Doorways (دروازے)
  • Entrances (داخلے)

Antonyms of Archways

  • Straightways (سیدھے راستے) – Meaning: paths without any arch or curve
  • Openings (کھلے) – Meaning: gaps or spaces without any arched structure
  • Exits (خروج) – Meaning: ways out without an arched roof

Nearby Words

  • Architect (noun) – معمار: a person who designs and creates buildings
  • Architectural (adjective) – معماری: relating to architecture or the design of buildings
  • Arch (noun) – آرک: a curved structure that supports weight above it
  • Way (noun) – راستہ: a path or route to travel

Origin of the Word Archways

The word “archways” originated from the combination of the Middle English word “arche” and the Old English word “weg.” It can be traced back to the Latin word “arcus,” meaning “bow” or “arch.” The suffix “-ways” was added to indicate a passage or route.

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  1. The grand palace had beautiful archways. (دیار محل میں خوبصورت آرک گزرگاہ تھے۔)
  2. She walked through the archway into the garden. (وہ آرک گزرگاہ سے باغ میں چلی گئی۔)
  3. The ancient city is known for its intricate archways. (قدیم شہر میں پیچیدہ آرک گزرگاہوں کی وجہ سے مشہور ہے۔)

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