
Archway Meaning in Urdu: Definition and Pronunciation

An archway, also known as a gateway or an arched entrance, is a structure that consists of an arch-shaped opening or passage. In Urdu, archway can be translated as “آرک وے” (pronounced as “ark way”).

Meanings of Archway in Urdu:

  1. آرک وے – a structure with an arch-shaped opening or passage.
  2. دروازے کا چھت – the roof or top part of a doorway.
  3. گزر گاہ – a passage or pathway formed by an arch.

Synonyms of Archway:

  • Gateway – دروازہ
  • Entrance – داخلہ
  • Portal – دروازہ

Antonyms of Archway:

  • Exit – نکلنے کا راستہ
  • Open Space – کھلا جگہ
  • Clearance – راستہ صاف کرنے کا عمل

Nearby Words:

  • Architect (Noun) – معمار
  • Architectural (Adjective) – معماری
  • Arch (Noun) – قوس
  • Arched (Adjective) – محرابی

Origin of the Word Archway:

The word “archway” originated from the combination of the Middle English word “arche” and the Old English word “weg.” It can be traced back to the late 14th century and is derived from the Latin word “arcus,” meaning “bow” or “arch.”

Example Sentences:

  1. I walked through the beautiful archway of the ancient castle. (میں نے قدیم قلعے کے خوبصورت آرک وے سے گزرا)
  2. The archway led us into a hidden garden. (آرک وے ہمیں ایک چھپا ہوا باغ میں لے گئی)
  3. She stood under the archway, waiting for her loved one. (وہ آرک وے کے نیچے کھڑی ہوئی، اپنے پیارے کا انتظار کرتے ہوئے)

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