
Archness Meaning in Urdu: Multiple Meanings

Archness is a word that has multiple meanings in Urdu. Some of the meanings of archness in Urdu are:

1. شرارت

(Sharaarat) – This refers to the quality of being mischievous or playful in a sly or teasing way.

2. چالاکی

(Chalaaki) – This meaning denotes cunningness or cleverness, often with a touch of humor.

3. طنز

(Tanz) – This meaning refers to sarcasm or irony, where someone says something amusingly mocking or taunting.

Pronunciation of Archness

The word “archness” is pronounced as “ahrch-ness” in English.

Synonyms of Archness

Some synonyms of archness include:

  • Waggishness (مذاق)
  • Playfulness (کھلبلی)
  • Trickery (چال)
  • Slyness (چالاکی)

Antonyms of Archness

Some antonyms of archness with their meanings in Urdu are:

  • Seriousness (سنجیدگی)
  • Honesty (ایمانداری)
  • Sincerity (خلوص)
  • Naivety (سادگی)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to archness with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

  • Arch (noun) – کمان
  • Arch (verb) – مکڑی کی طرح جھولنا
  • Arch (adjective) – ٹیڑھا
  • Arch (adverb) – ٹیڑھے پن سے

Origin of the Word Archness

The word “archness” originated from the Middle English word “arche,” which means “cunning” or “crafty.” It later evolved to include the suffix “-ness” to form the noun “archness,” representing the quality or state of being arch or mischievous.

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  1. Her archness was evident in her sly smile. (اس کی شرارت اس کے چالاکانہ مسکان میں ظاہر تھی۔)
  2. He replied with archness, “Oh, how clever of you!” (اس نے شرارت سے جواب دیا، “آہ، تم کتنے ہوشیار ہو!”)
  3. The comedian’s archness added a touch of humor to his performance. (مذاقیہ کمیڈیئن کی شرارت نے اس کی اداکاری میں مزید مزیداری ڈالی۔)

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