
Angularity Meaning in Urdu: انگلیوں کی شکل

Angularity is a noun that refers to the quality or state of being angular, which means having sharp corners or edges. In Urdu, angularity can be translated as “انگلیوں کی شکل” which literally means the shape of fingers. Here are a few other meanings of angularity in Urdu:

  • انگلیوں کی شکل: The shape of fingers
  • کونے داری: Corneredness
  • تیز روی: Sharpness

Synonyms of Angularity

Some synonyms of angularity include:

  • Sharpness: تیزی
  • Corneredness: کونے داری
  • Edginess: کنارے داری

Antonyms of Angularity

Here are a few antonyms of angularity along with their meanings in Urdu:

  • Roundness: گولائی
  • Curviness: موڑوں والا پن
  • Smoothness: ہمواری

Nearby Words

Here are some nearby words related to angularity:

  • Angle (Noun): زاویہ
  • Angular (Adjective): زاویائی
  • Angulate (Verb): زاویہ بنانا

Origin of the Word Angularity

The word angularity originated from the Latin word “angularitas” which means “angularity” or “sharpness of angles.” It entered the English language in the early 17th century.

Example Sentences

Here are a few example sentences that demonstrate the usage of angularity along with their Urdu meanings:

  1. The angularity of the building’s design gives it a modern and edgy look. (عمارت کی شکل کی انگلیوں کی شکل اسے نوین اور تیز رو بناتی ہے۔)
  2. Her face had a certain angularity that made her features stand out. (اس کے چہرے میں ایک خاص کونوں کی شکل تھی جو اس کی خصوصیات کو نمایاں کرتی تھی۔)

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