
Bad-Tempered Meaning in Urdu: غصہ آمیز

Bad-tempered, also known as “غصہ آمیز” in Urdu, refers to someone who is easily irritated or prone to anger. It is an adjective that describes a person’s temperament or mood. A bad-tempered individual often displays a short fuse and reacts negatively to various situations.

Synonyms of Bad-Tempered:

  • غصہ ور (Gussa War)
  • چڑچڑا (Chirchira)
  • ناراض (Naraaz)
  • جوشیلا (Joshila)

Bad-Tempered Pronunciation:

The pronunciation of bad-tempered is [bad-tem-perd] in English.


  • خوش مزاج (Khush Mizaj) – Good-tempered
  • مسرور (Musarrur) – Happy
  • پرسکون (Parsakoon) – Calm
  • متحمل (Muthamal) – Patient

Nearby Words:

  • Badger (Noun) – بیگھڑنا (Bigarna)
  • Badly (Adverb) – بری طرح (Buri Tarah)
  • Badge (Noun) – نشان (Nishaan)
  • Badminton (Noun) – بیڈمنٹن (Badminton)

Origin of the Word Bad-Tempered:

The word “bad-tempered” originated from the combination of “bad” and “tempered.” “Bad” refers to something negative or unpleasant, while “tempered” relates to a person’s disposition or mood. When combined, the term describes someone with a negative or unpleasant temperament.

Example Sentences:

  1. She is always bad-tempered in the morning. (وہ صبح صبح ہمیشہ غصہ آمیز ہوتی ہے۔)
  2. His bad-tempered behavior ruined the party. (اس کا غصہ آمیز رویہ پارٹی کو خراب کر دیا۔)
  3. Don’t provoke him; he’s already in a bad-tempered mood. (اسے غصہ آمیز مزاج میں مت لے آؤ؛ وہ پہلے سے ہی ناراض ہے۔)

For more information about the term “bad-tempered,” you can visit the following websites: