air line

Air Line Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Air Line is pronounced as “er-lahyn” and is a noun. In Urdu, it is known as “ہوائی لائن”.

Meanings in Urdu

  • ہوائی لائن – hawai line
  • ہوائی جہاز کی لائن – hawai jahaz ki line
  • ہوائی سفر کرنا – hawai safar karna

Origin of the Word Air Line

The word “air line” originated from the combination of the words “air” and “line”. It refers to a route or path taken by an aircraft, typically between two destinations.

Synonyms of Air Line

Some synonyms of air line include:

  • Flight path
  • Airway
  • Air route
  • Air corridor


Antonyms of air line in Urdu:

  • زمینی راستہ – zameeni rasta (Ground route)
  • سمندری راستہ – samandari rasta (Sea route)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to air line are:

  • Noun: ہوائی – hawai (Air)
  • Noun: لائن – line (Line)
  • Noun: جہاز – jahaz (Aircraft)
  • Verb: سفر کرنا – safar karna (Travel)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  • He booked a ticket for the air line. (وہ نے ہوائی لائن کے لئے ٹکٹ بک کروایا۔)
  • The air line connects two major cities. (ہوائی لائن دو بڑے شہروں کو جوڑتی ہے۔)
  • She loves to travel by air. (وہ ہوائی سفر کرنے کا شوق رکھتی ہے۔)

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