
Albuminous Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Albuminous is pronounced as al-byoo-muh-nuhs. In Urdu, it is known as “پروٹینی” (pronounced as “proteini”).

Meanings in Urdu

  • پروٹینی – relating to or containing protein
  • پروٹین کا – of or relating to protein
  • پروٹین سے بھرپور – rich in protein

Origin of the Word Albuminous

The word albuminous originated from the Latin word “albumen” which means “white of an egg.” It was first used in the mid-19th century to describe substances that resemble the white of an egg, particularly in their protein content.

Synonyms of Albuminous

Some synonyms of albuminous include:

  • Proteinaceous
  • Protein-rich
  • Proteinous


Antonyms of albuminous with their meanings in Urdu:

  • غیر پروٹینی – Non-albuminous
  • پروٹین سے خالی – Protein-free
  • پروٹین کے بغیر – Without protein

Nearby Words

Some nearby words to albuminous with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

  • Albumin (noun) – پروٹین
  • Albino (noun) – سفید چہرے والا
  • Albeit (conjunction) – حالانکہ
  • Alb (noun) – سفید

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  • His diet is albuminous to build muscle. (اس کا خوراک پروٹینی ہے تاکہ عضلات بنیں۔)
  • The doctor recommended an albuminous meal for quick recovery. (ڈاکٹر نے تیزی سے صحت یاب ہونے کے لئے پروٹینی طعام کی تجویز کی۔)
  • She prefers albuminous foods like eggs and fish. (وہ انڈے اور مچھلی جیسی پروٹینی غذائیں ترجیح دیتی ہے۔)

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