air marshal

Air Marshal Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Air Marshal Pronunciation

The correct pronunciation of “air marshal” is air mahr-shuhl.

Air Marshal Meaning in Urdu

The meaning of “air marshal” in Urdu can be translated into several different terms:

  1. ہوائی مارشل – Hawaai Marshal
  2. ہوائی فوجی – Hawaai Fauji
  3. ہوائی سپاہی – Hawaai Sipahi

Origin of the Word Air Marshal

The term “air marshal” originated from the combination of the words “air” and “marshal.” The word “air” refers to the atmosphere or the sky, while “marshal” refers to a high-ranking military officer. Therefore, an air marshal is a high-ranking military officer who operates in the sky or the atmosphere.

Synonyms of Air Marshal

Some synonyms of air marshal include:

  • Air Officer
  • Air Force General
  • Air Commander

Antonyms of Air Marshal

Antonyms of air marshal can be translated into Urdu as follows:

  • عام فوجی – Aam Fauji (Common Soldier)
  • عام سپاہی – Aam Sipahi (Ordinary Soldier)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to air marshal, along with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings, are:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
Airplane Noun ہوائی جہاز – Hawaai Jahaaz
Airbase Noun ہوائی بیس – Hawaai Base
Aircraft Noun ہوائی جہاز – Hawaai Jahaaz
Airfield Noun ہوائی میدان – Hawaai Maidan

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using the term “air marshal” along with their Urdu translations:

  • The air marshal ensured the safety of the passengers. (ہوائی مارشل نے مسافروں کی حفاظت یقینی بنائی)
  • The air marshal was highly skilled in combat. (ہوائی مارشل جنگ میں بہت ماہر تھا)
  • The air marshal received a medal for his bravery. (ہوائی مارشل کو بہادری کے لئے تمغہ ملا)

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