
Acaulescent Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Acaulescent is pronounced as “ey-kaw-LES-uhnt”.

Acaulescent is an adjective that means “having no visible stem or a very short stem”. In Urdu, it can be translated as:

  • بے تنا – meaning “without stem”
  • بے ڈنڈا – meaning “without a visible stem”
  • بے پودہ – meaning “without a plant”

Origin of the Word Acaulescent

The word “acaulescent” originated from the Latin word “acaulescens”, which is the present participle of “acaulescere” meaning “to become stemless”.

Synonyms of Acaulescent

Some synonyms of acaulescent include:

  • stemless
  • amphigenic
  • apetalous
  • asepalous
  • leafless

Antonyms of Acaulescent

Antonyms of acaulescent with their Urdu meanings are:

  • caulescent – پودے دار (having a stem)
  • petiolate – پتیوں والا (having a leaf stalk)
  • arborescent – درخت نما (tree-like)
  • ramose – شاخدار (branching)
  • frondose – پتوں والا (leafy)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to acaulescent with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

  • Acanthaceous (adjective) – کانٹے دار (thorny)
  • Acanthocarpous (adjective) – کانٹے دار پھل (bearing spiny fruit)
  • Acanthoid (adjective) – کانٹے نما (spiny)
  • Acanthophorous (adjective) – کانٹے دار (spine-bearing)
  • Acanthopodious (adjective) – کانٹے دار پاوں (having spiny feet)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using the word “acaulescent” along with their Urdu meanings:

  • The acaulescent plant grew close to the ground. – بے تنا پودا زمین کے قریب بڑھا۔
  • The flower had an acaulescent stem. – پھول کے پاس بے ڈنڈا تھا۔
  • The acaulescent leaves formed a beautiful rosette. – بے پودہ پتے ایک خوبصورت گلدستہ بنا۔


For more information about the word “acaulescent”, you can refer to the following sources:

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