Aloevera Pronunciation
Aloevera is pronounced as “al-oh-veer-uh”.
Aloevera Meaning in Urdu
Aloevera is known as “گھیکوار” in Urdu. Other meanings include “صبر نبات” and “صبر پتا”.
Origin of the Word Aloevera
The word “aloevera” is derived from the Arabic word “alloeh” meaning “shining bitter substance” and the Latin word “vera” meaning “true”. It refers to the plant’s clear gel-like substance found in its leaves.
Synonyms of Aloevera
Some synonyms of aloevera include “ghikwar”, “sabur nebat”, and “sabur patta”.
Antonyms of aloevera in Urdu include:
- Antonym 1: خشک (Dry)
- Antonym 2: بے رنگ (Colorless)
- Antonym 3: بے زرگوں (Ineffective)
Nearby Words
Some nearby words related to aloevera are:
- Nearby Word 1: نبات (Nebat) – Noun, meaning “plant”
- Nearby Word 2: پتا (Patta) – Noun, meaning “leaf”
- Nearby Word 3: صبر (Sabur) – Noun, meaning “patience”
Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning
Here are some example sentences using aloevera with their Urdu meanings:
- Example Sentence 1: Apply aloevera gel on your sunburn for soothing relief. (آپ کے جلے ہوئے جگر پر گھیکوار جیل لگائیں تاکہ آرام ملے۔)
- Example Sentence 2: She drinks aloevera juice every morning for its health benefits. (وہ صبح صبح گھیکوار کا رس پیتی ہے صحت کے فوائد کی وجہ سے۔)
- Example Sentence 3: The aloevera plant is known for its medicinal properties. (گھیکوار کا پودا اپنی دوائیاتی خوبیوں کی وجہ سے مشہور ہے۔)
For more information on aloevera, you can visit the following websites: