
Allopathic: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Allopathic, pronounced as “al-uh-path-ik,” is an adjective that refers to the conventional system of medicine practiced by medical doctors. In Urdu, it is known as “الوپیتھک” (Allopathic), “طب اللوازم” (Tib-e-Lawazim), or “طب تشخیصی” (Tib-e-Tashkheesi).

Origin of the Word Allopathic

The term “allopathic” originated from the Greek words “allos” meaning “other” and “pathos” meaning “suffering.” It was coined by Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, to differentiate conventional medicine from his own system of treatment.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms for allopathic include traditional, mainstream, and Western medicine. Antonyms for allopathic in Urdu are “ہومیوپیتھک” (Homeopathic), “طب سنتی” (Tib-e-Sunati), and “طب گھریلو” (Tib-e-Gharelu).

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to allopathic are:

  • Allopathically: (Adverb) الوپیتھک طریقے سے (Allopathic tareeqay se) – In a manner related to allopathy.
  • Allopathist: (Noun) الوپیتھک ڈاکٹر (Allopathic doctor) – A practitioner of allopathy.
  • Allopathy: (Noun) الوپیتھی (Allopathi) – The system of medical practice followed by allopathic doctors.

Example Sentences

Here are a few example sentences using allopathic in Urdu:

  • الوپیتھک ڈاکٹر نے مجھے دوائی کی تجویز کی۔ (The allopathic doctor prescribed medication for me.)
  • الوپیتھک طب کا استعمال عام ہے۔ (The use of allopathic medicine is common.)


To learn more about allopathic medicine, you can visit the following websites: