
Arista Meaning in Urdu: Definition, Pronunciation, and More

Arista is a word of Latin origin that has made its way into various languages, including Urdu. In Urdu, arista is pronounced as “آریسٹا” (pronounced as “arista”).

Meanings of Arista in Urdu

Here are a few meanings of arista in Urdu:

  1. دانت (dant) – meaning “tooth”
  2. کانٹا (kanta) – meaning “thorn”
  3. بال (baal) – meaning “hair”

Synonyms of Arista

Some synonyms of arista include:

  • دانت (dant) – meaning “tooth”
  • کانٹا (kanta) – meaning “thorn”
  • بال (baal) – meaning “hair”

Antonyms of Arista

Here are the antonyms of arista along with their meanings in Urdu:

  • مٹھاس (mithaas) – meaning “sweetness”
  • نرمی (narmi) – meaning “softness”
  • ملائمت (mulaimat) – meaning “gentleness”

Nearby Words

Here are some nearby words related to arista:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
دانت (dant) Noun tooth
کانٹا (kanta) Noun thorn
بال (baal) Noun hair

Origin of the Word Arista

The word arista originated from Latin and has been adopted by various languages, including Urdu. It has multiple meanings related to teeth, thorns, and hair.

Example Sentences

Here are a few example sentences using arista along with their Urdu meanings:

  1. He accidentally bit his arista while eating. (وہ اکثریتاً کھانے کے دوران اپنے دانت کاٹ لیتا ہے۔)
  2. Be careful not to prick yourself on the arista of the rose. (خواہش ہے کہ آپ خود کو گلاب کے کانٹے پر نہ چھیدیں۔)
  3. She has beautiful long arista. (اس کے پاس خوبصورت لمبے بال ہیں۔)

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