
Appall Meaning in Urdu: افسوسناک ہونا

Appall is a verb that means to greatly shock or horrify someone. It is pronounced as uh-pawl. In Urdu, the meaning of appall is افسوسناک ہونا. Here are a few other meanings of appall in Urdu:

  • ہولانا – to frighten or scare
  • خوف زدہ کرنا – to intimidate or terrify
  • دہشت زدہ کرنا – to terrorize or dismay

Synonyms of Appall:

1. Shock (جھٹکا دینا)

2. Horrify (خوفزدہ کرنا)

3. Terrify (خوف زدہ کرنا)

Antonyms of Appall:

1. Comfort (تسلی دینا) – to provide solace or relief

2. Encourage (حوصلہ دلانا) – to inspire or motivate

3. Delight (خوش کرنا) – to please or entertain

Nearby Words:

1. Appalling (adjective) – افسوسناک

2. Appallingly (adverb) – افسوسناک طریقے سے

3. Appalled (adjective) – حیران

Origin of the Word Appall:

The word appall originated from the Middle English word “appallen,” which means to grow pale or become weak. It can be traced back to the Old French word “apalir,” meaning to turn pale. The prefix “ap-” denotes intensification, while “pallir” means to become pale. Over time, the meaning of appall evolved to represent a strong feeling of shock or horror.

Example Sentences:

1. The gruesome scene in the horror movie appalled the audience. (افسوسناک)

2. The news of the tragic accident appalled everyone in the community. (ہولانا)

3. The dictator’s brutal actions appalled the international community. (دہشت زدہ کرنا)

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