
Appalled Meaning in Urdu: A Feeling of Shock and Disgust

Appalled is an English word that is commonly used to describe a feeling of shock, horror, or disgust. It is pronounced as uh-pawld. In Urdu, the word appalled can be translated into several meanings, including:

Meanings of Appalled in Urdu:

  • متاثر ہونا (mutasir hona) – to be affected
  • خوفزدہ ہونا (khofzada hona) – to be frightened
  • بے حس ہونا (be hiss hona) – to be numb

Synonyms of Appalled:

Some synonyms of appalled include horrified, shocked, disgusted, dismayed, and repulsed.

Antonyms of Appalled:

  • مسرور ہونا (musarror hona) – to be delighted
  • خوش ہونا (khush hona) – to be happy
  • متبسم ہونا (matabassam hona) – to smile

Origin of the Word Appalled:

The word appalled originated from the Old French word “appalir,” which means “to grow pale” or “to become pale with fear.” It later evolved into the Middle English word “appallen,” which means “to dismay” or “to fill with horror.”

Examples Sentences:

  • I was appalled by the horrific scene of the accident. (میں حادثے کے خوفناک منظر سے متاثر ہوا)
  • The news of the natural disaster appalled the entire nation. (طبعی آفت کی خبر نے پورے قوم کو خوفزدہ کردیا)
  • She was appalled to discover the truth about her friend’s betrayal. (اس نے دوست کی دغا بازی کی حقیقت جان کر بے حس ہوگئی)

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