bad work

Bad Work Meaning in Urdu: برا کام

Bad work, also known as “برا کام” in Urdu, refers to work that is of poor quality or does not meet the expected standards. It can be used to describe tasks, projects, or actions that are deemed unsatisfactory or subpar. Bad work can have negative consequences, such as damaging one’s reputation or causing dissatisfaction among clients or superiors.

Synonyms of Bad Work:

  • ناقص کام (Incomplete work)
  • خراب کام (Faulty work)
  • نامناسب کام (Inappropriate work)
  • غیر موزوں کام (Unsuitable work)

Bad Work Pronunciation:

[bad wurk]


  • اچھا کام (Good work)
  • معیاری کام (Quality work)
  • مناسب کام (Suitable work)
  • مستحکم کام (Stable work)

Nearby Words:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
Bad Adjective برا
Work Noun کام
Meaning Noun معنی
Synonym Noun مترادف

Origin of the Word Bad Work:

The word “bad” originated from the Old English word “bæddel” meaning “hermaphrodite” or “effeminate man.” Over time, its meaning evolved to represent something of poor quality or unfavorable. The word “work” comes from the Old English word “weorc” which means “activity” or “effort.”

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning:

  1. His bad work ethic led to his dismissal from the company. (اس کی بری کام کی عادت نے اسے کمپنی سے نکال دیا)
  2. The contractor’s bad workmanship resulted in numerous construction defects. (کنٹریکٹر کی بری کارکردگی نے کئی تعمیری خامیوں کا سبب بنا)
  3. She was disappointed with the bad work done by the tailor. (وہ دَرزی کار کی بری کام کرنے سے ناراض تھیں)

For more information on “bad work,” you can refer to the following sources: