
Absolving: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Absolving is a verb that is pronounced as “ab-zolv-ing”. It is derived from the Latin word “absolvere”, which means “to set free” or “to acquit”. In Urdu, absolving can be translated as:

  • معاف کرنا (maaf karna)
  • بری کرنا (buri karna)
  • چھوڑ دینا (chhod dena)

Origin of the Word Absolving

The word absolving originated from the Latin word “absolvere”, which is a combination of “ab” (meaning “away”) and “solvere” (meaning “to loosen” or “to release”). It entered the English language in the late 14th century.

Synonyms of Absolving

Some synonyms of absolving include:

  • Acquitting (معاف کرنا – maaf karna)
  • Exonerating (بری کرنا – buri karna)
  • Pardoning (معاف کرنا – maaf karna)
  • Forgiving (معاف کرنا – maaf karna)

Antonyms of Absolving

Some antonyms of absolving include:

  • Blaming (ملامت کرنا – malamat karna)
  • Condemning (ملامت کرنا – malamat karna)
  • Punishing (سزا دینا – saza dena)
  • Accusing (الزام لگانا – ilzam lagana)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to absolving are:

  • Absolution (noun) – معافی (maafi)
  • Absolver (noun) – معاف کرنے والا (maaf karne wala)
  • Absolved (adjective) – معاف شدہ (maaf shuda)
  • Absolve (verb) – معاف کرنا (maaf karna)

Example Sentences

Here are some example sentences using absolving:

  • He was absolved of all charges by the court. (وہ عدالت کے ذریعے تمام الزامات سے معاف کر دیا گیا۔)
  • The teacher absolved the student from the punishment. (استاد نے طالب علم کو سزا سے معاف کر دیا۔)
  • She absolved herself of any responsibility in the matter. (اس نے خود کو اس معاملے میں کسی بھی ذمہ داری سے معاف کر دیا۔)

For more information about the word “absolving”, you can visit the following websites: