
Anguished Meaning in Urdu: Definition and Synonyms

Anguished is an adjective that describes a feeling of extreme mental or physical pain, distress, or suffering. In Urdu, anguished can be translated as “دردمند” (dardmand), “تکلیف زدہ” (takleef zada), or “مصیبت زدہ” (musibat zada).

Synonyms of Anguished:

  • Tormented – مصیبت زدہ (musibat zada)
  • Tortured – تکلیف زدہ (takleef zada)
  • Agonized – دردمند (dardmand)
  • Suffering – متاثر (mutasir)
  • Troubled – پریشان (pareshan)

Antonyms of Anguished:

  • Content – مطمئن (mutmaeen)
  • Pleasant – خوشگوار (khushgawar)
  • Happy – خوش (khush)
  • Satisfied – مطمئن (mutmaeen)
  • Comfortable – آرام دہ (aaram deh)

Nearby Words:

  • Anguish – درد (dard) (noun)
  • Anguishing – دردناک (dardnak) (adjective)
  • Anguishly – درد سے (dard se) (adverb)
  • Anguishes – درد (dard) (verb)

Origin of the Word Anguished:

The word anguished originated from the Middle English word “anguisshen,” which came from the Old French word “anguissier.” It ultimately traces back to the Latin word “angustia,” meaning “narrowness” or “distress.”

Examples Sentences:

  1. She looked at him with anguished eyes. (وہ اسے دردمند آنکھوں سے دیکھتی تھی۔)
  2. The anguished cries of the wounded filled the air. (زخمیوں کی دردناک چیخیں ہوا میں بھر گئیں۔)
  3. He lived with anguished memories of his past mistakes. (وہ اپنی گزشتہ غلطیوں کی دردمند یادوں کے ساتھ رہتا تھا۔)

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