as the case may be

As the Case May Be Meaning in Urdu: اگر یہ حالت ہو سکتی ہے

As the case may be is an English phrase that is used to indicate that something is dependent on the specific circumstances or conditions. It is often used when there are different possibilities or outcomes, and the actual result will depend on the situation at hand.

Pronunciation of As the Case May Be:

[az thuh keys mey bee]

Meanings of As the Case May Be in Urdu:

  1. اگر یہ حالت ہو سکتی ہے
  2. جیسا کہ صورت حال ہو سکتی ہے
  3. جیسا کہ معاملہ ہو سکتا ہے

Synonyms of As the Case May Be:

  • depending on the circumstances (تفصیلات پر منحصر)
  • as appropriate (مناسب طور پر)
  • according to the situation (حالات کے مطابق)

Antonyms of As the Case May Be:

  • in any case (کسی بھی صورت میں)
  • regardless of the circumstances (تفصیلات کے بغیر)
  • without considering the situation (حالات کو نظرانداز کرتے ہوئے)

Nearby Words:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
case noun معاملہ
may verb سکا
be verb ہونا

Origin of the Word As the Case May Be:

The phrase “as the case may be” originated from Middle English and has been in use since the 14th century. It combines the words “case” and “may be” to convey the idea that the outcome or situation is uncertain and dependent on the specific circumstances.

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning:

  1. As the case may be, we will either go to the park or stay at home. (اگر یہ حالت ہو سکتی ہے، ہم یا تو پارک جائیں گے یا گھر میں رہیں گے۔)
  2. You can choose to study law or medicine, as the case may be. (آپ قانون یا طب پڑھنے کا انتخاب کرسکتے ہیں، جیسا کہ صورت حال ہو سکتی ہے۔)
  3. He will receive a promotion or a transfer, as the case may be. (وہ ترقی یا منتقلی کی دریافت کریں گے، جیسا کہ معاملہ ہو سکتا ہے۔)

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