as often as

As Often As Meaning in Urdu: Pronunciation and Meanings

The phrase “as often as” is commonly used in English to indicate frequency or repetition. In Urdu, it can be translated as “جتنی بار بھی” (pronounced as “jtni baar bhi”).

Meanings in Urdu:

  1. جتنی بار بھی – jtni baar bhi
  2. کتنی بار بھی – kitni baar bhi
  3. ہر بار – har baar

Synonyms of “As Often As” in Urdu:

  • ہر بار – har baar (Every time)
  • بار بار – baar baar (Repeatedly)
  • کئی بار – kayi baar (Many times)

Antonyms of “As Often As” in Urdu:

  • کبھی نہیں – kabhi nahin (Never)
  • ایک بار بھی نہیں – ek baar bhi nahin (Not even once)
  • کچھ بھی نہیں – kuch bhi nahin (Nothing at all)

Nearby Words:

  • As (Conjunction) – جیسا (jaisa)
  • Often (Adverb) – اکثر (aksar)
  • Meaning (Noun) – معنی (ma’ani)
  • Urdu (Noun) – اردو (Urdu)

Origin of the Word “As Often As”:

The word “as” is derived from Old English, while “often” originated from Middle English. The phrase “as often as” is a combination of these two words to express frequency or repetition.

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning:

  1. As often as I visit my hometown, I feel nostalgic. (جتنی بار بھی میں اپنے وطن جاتا ہوں، مجھے یادیں تازہ ہو جاتی ہیں۔)
  2. She calls her parents as often as possible. (وہ جتنی بار بھی ممکن ہوتا ہے اپنے والدین کو کال کرتی ہے۔)
  3. As often as he fails, he never gives up. (جتنی بار بھی وہ ناکام ہوتا ہے، وہ کبھی ہار نہیں مانتا۔)

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