
Ablaut Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Ablaut, pronounced as “uh-blowt,” is a linguistic term that refers to the systematic vowel alternation in a word to indicate grammatical function or to form related words. In Urdu, ablaut is known as “تناؤ” (Tanao).

Origin of the Word Ablaut

The word “ablaut” is derived from German, where “ab” means “off” or “away,” and “laut” means “sound.” It was first used in the late 19th century to describe the vowel changes in the German language.

Synonyms of Ablaut

1. Vowel gradation
2. Apophony
3. Internal vowel change

Antonyms of Ablaut

1. Monophthongization (تکویت)
2. Diphthongization (دو حرفیت)

Nearby Words

1. Ablaze (adjective) – جلتا ہوا
2. Able (adjective) – قابل
3. Abject (adjective) – بہت بد حال
4. Abandon (verb) – ترک کرنا

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning

1. The English verb “sing” undergoes ablaut in its past tense, becoming “sang” (گاتا تھا).
2. The ablaut in the word “goose” changes the vowel sound from “oo” to “ee” (ہنس).

For more information on ablaut, you can visit the following websites:

1. Dictionary.com
2. Wikipedia.org
3. TheFreeDictionary.com