
Ablative Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

The ablative case is a grammatical case found in various languages, including Latin, Sanskrit, and Old English. In Urdu, the ablative case is known as “رفع منصوب” (Rafa Mansoob). It is used to indicate movement away from a place or time, as well as the means by which something is done.

Origin of the Word Ablative

The word “ablative” comes from the Latin word “ablatus,” which means “taken away.” This reflects the primary function of the ablative case, which is to show separation or removal.

Synonyms of Ablative

Some synonyms of ablative include:

  • Separative
  • Removal
  • Departing
  • Withdrawal

Antonyms of Ablative

Antonyms of ablative in Urdu:

  • تعلقی (Talqi) – Genitive
  • مجرور (Majroor) – Accusative
  • نصب (Nasb) – Nominative

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to ablative in Urdu:

  • رفع منصوب (Rafa Mansoob) – Ablative
  • تعلقی (Talqi) – Genitive
  • مجرور (Majroor) – Accusative
  • نصب (Nasb) – Nominative
  • جار و مجرور (Jaar o Majroor) – Subject and Object

Example Sentences

Here are some example sentences using ablative with their Urdu meanings:

  • He walked away from the house. (وہ گھر سے چلے گئے۔)
  • She wrote with a pen. (وہ قلم سے لکھی۔)
  • The bird flew out of the cage. (پرندہ قفس سے باہر اڑ گیا۔)

For more information on the ablative case, you can visit the following websites: