as if

As If Meaning in Urdu: ایسا ہی جیسے

As If Pronunciation: [az if]

As If Meaning in Urdu: ایسا ہی جیسے

As If Meaning in Urdu (Alternate Translations):

  • جیسے کہ
  • مانوں کہ
  • اکثراً

As If Synonyms:

  • Like
  • Similar to
  • Seemingly

As If Antonyms:

  • Actually (حقیقت میں)
  • Definitely (بلا شبہ)
  • Surely (یقیناً)

As If Nearby Words:

  • Ascend (Verb) – چڑھنا
  • Ascendant (Noun) – برج
  • Ascension (Noun) – ارتقاء

Origin of the Word As If:

The phrase “as if” originated from Middle English and is derived from the combination of the word “as” and the word “if.” It has been used in the English language since the 14th century.

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning:

  1. He looked at me as if he had seen a ghost. (وہ میری طرف دیکھ رہا تھا جیسے اس نے بھوت دیکھ لیا ہو)
  2. She spoke as if she knew everything. (وہ بات کر رہی تھی جیسے اس کو سب کچھ معلوم ہو)
  3. He acted as if he didn’t care. (وہ ایسا عمل کر رہا تھا جیسے اس کو فرق نہیں پڑتا)

For more information on the meaning and usage of “as if,” you can visit the following websites: