
Aliquot: Meaning and Pronunciation

In Telugu, the word “aliquot” can be translated as: అలిక్వాట్ (alikvāṭ).

Pronunciation: (uh-li-kwoht)

Synonyms of Aliquot

Some synonyms of aliquot include: part, fraction, division, segment, and proportion.

Nearby Words

Here are some nearby words with their parts of speech and meanings in Telugu:

  • Aliquot (Noun): అలిక్వాట్ (alikvāṭ) – a quantity that is a part of a larger whole.
  • Aliquot (Adjective): అలిక్వాట్ (alikvāṭ) – being a part of a whole; contained in or contributing to a larger whole.
  • Aliquot (Verb): అలిక్వాట్ (alikvāṭ) – to divide into aliquots or parts.

Example sentences:

  1. The recipe calls for an aliquot of sugar. (Noun)
  2. She distributed the aliquot shares among the participants. (Adjective)
  3. Please aliquot the solution into smaller vials. (Verb)


The antonym of aliquot in Telugu is: పూర్తి (pūrti).

Learn More

To explore further definitions and information about aliquot, you can visit the following websites:

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