Alines: Meaning, Pronunciation, Synonyms, and More
Meaning: Alines is a noun that refers to a group of extraterrestrial beings or creatures from outer space. (బాహ్య గగనంలో నుండి వచ్చే ప్రాణుల సమూహం)
Pronunciation: *uh-lahynz* (అలైన్స్)
Synonyms: extraterrestrials, aliens, beings from outer space, creatures from another planet (బాహ్య గగనం నుండి వచ్చే ప్రాణులు, అలైన్స్, మరియు ఇతర గ్రహాల నుండి వచ్చే ప్రాణులు)
Nearby Words:
- Alienation: Noun. The state or experience of being isolated or estranged from others. (పరదేశీకరణ)
- Align: Verb. To arrange or position something in a straight line. (సమానులు చేయుట)
- Alight: Verb. To descend from a vehicle or to come down from a higher position. (నిలబడుట)
- Alien: Noun. A foreigner or someone who is not a citizen of a particular country. (పరదేశీ)
Example Sentence: The alines landed on Earth in their spaceship.
The antonym for alines in Telugu is “ప్రాచీనులు” (prācīnulu), which means “ancients” or “people from ancient times.”
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