

Afflictions are physical or mental conditions that cause suffering or distress to an individual. In Telugu, afflictions are known as కష్టాలు (kaṣṭālu), పీడలు (pīḍalu), అనుకూలాలు (anukūlālu), దుఃఖాలు (duḥkhālu), కష్టాలు (kaṣṭālu), and ప్రమాదాలు (pramādālu).


Afflictions is pronounced as /əˈflɪkʃənz/.


Some synonyms for afflictions include suffering, pain, distress, agony, torment, hardship, and tribulation.

Nearby Words

  • Adversity (noun) – ప్రతికూలత (pratikūlata) – The difficulties and misfortunes that one faces in life. Example: “She faced great adversity in her career.”
  • Ailment (noun) – ఆరోగ్య సమస్య (ārōgya samasya) – A minor illness or physical disorder. Example: “He was suffering from a common ailment like a cold.”
  • Trouble (noun) – సమస్య (samasya) – Problems or difficulties. Example: “She always seems to attract trouble.”
  • Distress (noun) – ఆపత్తు (āpattu) – Extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain. Example: “The news caused great distress to the family.”


The antonym for afflictions in Telugu is ఆనందం (ānandaṁ), which means “joy” or “happiness”.

For more information on afflictions, you can refer to the following sources:

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