badly off

Badly Off Meaning in Nepali: खराब अवस्थामा, खराब छातीमा, खराब अवस्थामा, खराब छातीमा

Nearby Words:

  • Badly: (adverb) खराब रूपमा
  • Off: (adverb) दूर, अलग, छोड्नु

Part of Speech: Adjective

Pronunciation: (bad-lee awf)

Badly Off Synonyms:

  • Distressed – दुःखित
  • Impoverished – गरीब
  • Needy – गरिब
  • Deprived – वंचित
  • Destitute – निर्धन
  • Poor – गरिब

Description: The term “badly off” refers to a state of being in a poor or unfavorable condition. It can be used to describe someone who is experiencing financial hardship, emotional distress, or physical discomfort. The phrase emphasizes the severity of the situation and implies a significant level of disadvantage or suffering.

Origination: The phrase “badly off” originated from the combination of the adverb “badly,” meaning in a poor or unsatisfactory manner, and the preposition “off,” indicating separation or distance. Together, they create a compound adjective that describes a person or situation in a state of disadvantage or distress.


  • Well-off – सम्पन्न
  • Affluent – धनी
  • Prosperous – समृद्ध
  • Wealthy – धनी
  • Comfortable – सुखी

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