arctic region

Arctic Region Meaning in Nepali: अर्क्टिक क्षेत्र, उत्तरी ध्रुवीय क्षेत्र, उत्तरी ध्रुवीय भू-भाग (Noun)

Nearby Words:

Noun: अर्क्टिक वनस्पति (Arctic vegetation), अर्क्टिक वन (Arctic forest), अर्क्टिक जलवायु (Arctic climate)

Adjective: अर्क्टिक (Arctic), उत्तरी ध्रुवीय (Northern polar)

Part of Speech:



(ahrk-tik ree-juhn)

Arctic Region Synonyms:

1. North Pole (उत्तरी ध्रुव)

2. Polar Region (ध्रुवीय क्षेत्र)

3. Frozen Zone (जम्मा क्षेत्र)

4. Frigid Zone (शीतल क्षेत्र)

5. Tundra (तुन्द्रा)

6. Ice Cap (हिमशिखर)

Description and Origination of Arctic Region:

The Arctic Region, also known as the North Pole, is a vast area located at the northernmost part of the Earth. It is characterized by extremely cold temperatures, ice-covered landscapes, and unique wildlife. The Arctic Region plays a crucial role in regulating the Earth’s climate and is home to indigenous communities. It is believed to have originated millions of years ago during the formation of the Earth’s polar regions.


1. Equator (भूमध्यरेखा)

2. Tropics (उष्णकटिबंधीय क्षेत्र)

3. Southern Hemisphere (दक्षिणी गोलार्ध)

4. Temperate Zone (मध्यम भू-भाग)

5. Subtropics (उपउष्णकटिबंधीय क्षेत्र)

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