

Meaning in Nepali: एरोग्राम, वायुपत्र

Pronunciation: (air-uh-gram)

Part of Speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • Aerobatics: noun – वायुमण्डलीय नृत्य
  • Aerodynamics: noun – वायुमण्डलीय गतिविज्ञान
  • Aerodrome: noun – विमानस्थल


  • Airmail
  • Air letter
  • Air post
  • Airgraph
  • Air message


No direct antonyms found in Nepali.

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An aerogram, also known as a vayupatra in Nepali, is a lightweight letter sheet that is specifically designed for airmail correspondence. It is a single sheet of paper that can be folded and sealed to form an envelope without the need for an additional envelope. Aerograms were commonly used before the advent of email and instant messaging as a cost-effective and efficient way to send letters internationally.

The word “aerogram” is derived from the combination of “aero” meaning air and “gram” meaning letter or message. It is pronounced as “air-uh-gram.” As a noun, it refers to the letter sheet itself. Some synonyms for aerogram include airmail, air letter, air post, airgraph, and air message.

Unfortunately, there are no direct antonyms for aerogram in Nepali. However, it is important to note that with the rise of digital communication, the usage of aerograms has significantly declined in recent years.