bad debts

Bad Debts Meaning in Nepali

Nepali Meanings:

बुरा ऋणहरू (noun)

खराब ऋण (noun)

बाधाको ऋण (noun)

Part of Speech:

Bad debts is a noun phrase.


(bæd dɛts)

Bad Debts Synonyms:

1. Unrecoverable debts – अप्रतिपाद्य ऋण (noun)

2. Non-collectible debts – नगदी गर्न नसकिने ऋण (noun)

3. Irrecoverable debts – अप्रतिपाद्य ऋण (noun)

4. Worthless debts – निष्प्रयोजनक ऋण (noun)

5. Delinquent debts – अवहेलित ऋण (noun)

6. Defaulted debts – अदायगर्न नसकिने ऋण (noun)

Description and Origination of Bad Debts:

Bad debts refer to the amount of money that is unlikely to be recovered from debtors. It occurs when a borrower is unable to fulfill their financial obligations and fails to repay the borrowed amount. This can happen due to various reasons such as bankruptcy, insolvency, or deliberate default. Bad debts pose a significant risk to lenders and can negatively impact their financial stability. It is essential for businesses and financial institutions to carefully manage bad debts to minimize their impact on overall profitability.


1. Good debts – राम्रा ऋण (noun)

2. Recoverable debts – प्रतिपाद्य ऋण (noun)

3. Collectible debts – नगदी गर्न सकिने ऋण (noun)

4. Valuable debts – प्रयोजनक ऋण (noun)

5. Timely debts – समयमै ऋण (noun)


For more information on bad debts, you can visit the following sources:




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