
Backwaters Meaning in Nepali

Nepali Meanings: ताल, खोला, झील, खाडी, खोली

Part of Speech of Backwaters:

Backwaters is a noun.

Pronunciation of Backwaters:


Backwaters Synonyms:

1. Lagoon – लागुन

2. Estuary – नदीमुख

3. Inlet – खोला

4. Bayou – बायू

5. Fjord – फ्योर्ड

6. Sound – ध्वनि

Description and Origination of Backwaters:

Backwaters refer to the calm and stagnant waters found in the river deltas, lagoons, and estuaries. These water bodies are typically separated from the main flow of the river or sea, creating a serene and peaceful environment. In Nepal, backwaters are known as ताल, खोला, झील, खाडी, or खोली. They are popular tourist destinations, offering opportunities for boating, fishing, and experiencing the unique ecosystem. The backwaters of Nepal are particularly famous in regions like Pokhara and Rara Lake. They provide a picturesque setting with breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes. Exploring the backwaters is a must-do activity for nature lovers and those seeking tranquility.


1. Mainstream – मुख्य धारा

2. Ocean – समुद्र

3. River – नदी

4. Sea – समुद्र

5. Current – धारा

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