
Allegoric Meaning in Nepali

Allegoric (आलेखिक, आदर्शवादी) is a word in Nepali language that has multiple meanings. It is an adjective used to describe something that is symbolic or metaphorical. It refers to the use of symbols or allegories to convey a deeper meaning or message.

Pronunciation: (al-uh-gawr-ik)

Part of Speech: Adjective

Nearby Words:

  • Allegory (noun) – आलेखिक कथा, आदर्शवाद
  • Alliteration (noun) – सर्वाधिकार, अनुरोध
  • Alliance (noun) – संघ, संघटना
  • Alleviate (verb) – कम गर्नु, शान्त गर्नु
  • Allocate (verb) – आवंटन गर्नु, बाँटनु


  • Symbolic
  • Metaphorical
  • Figurative
  • Representative
  • Typical


The antonym of allegoric in Nepali is “वास्तविक” (Realistic).

Learn More:

Allegoric is a term that holds significance in literature, art, and various forms of expression. Its ability to convey deeper meanings through symbols and metaphors adds layers of interpretation and understanding. By exploring allegoric works, one can unravel hidden messages and appreciate the creative use of language and imagery.