assistant executive officer

Assistant Executive Officer Meaning in Nepali

In Nepali, the meaning of Assistant Executive Officer can be translated as “सहायक कार्यकारी अधिकृत” or “सहायक कार्यकारी अधिकृता”.

Nearby Words

– Assistant (noun) – सहायक

– Executive (noun) – कार्यकारी

– Officer (noun) – अधिकृत

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: [uh-sis-tuhnt ig-zek-yuh-tiv aw-fi-ser]

Assistant Executive Officer Synonyms

– Deputy Executive Officer (निर्देशक सहायक)

– Associate Executive Officer (सहकारी कार्यकारी अधिकृत)

– Assistant Manager (सहायक प्रबन्धक)

– Junior Executive Officer (कनिष्ठ कार्यकारी अधिकृत)

– Subordinate Executive Officer (अधीनस्थ कार्यकारी अधिकृत)


– Superior (उच्चतर)

– Boss (मालिक)

– Manager (प्रबन्धक)

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