air bladder

Air Bladder

Meaning in Nepali:

वायु पिंड (vayu pind), वायु गुट्टी (vayu gutti)


(vay-oo blad-er)

Part of Speech:


Nearby Words:

  • Bladder: गुट्टी (gutti), पिंड (pind)
  • Air: वायु (vayu)
  • Inflate: फुलाउनु (phulaunu)
  • Organ: अंग (ang), अवयव (avayav)
  • Float: तैराक (tairak), तैरानु (tairanu)


  • Swim bladder
  • Gas bladder
  • Aeriform sac
  • Pneumatic sac
  • Hydrostatic organ


निर्वायु पिंड (nirvayu pind) – Without air bladder

To find more information about “air bladder,” you can visit the following websites:

Remember, an air bladder is an important organ found in many fish that helps them control their buoyancy and maintain their position in the water. It is filled with gas and can be inflated or deflated to adjust the fish’s overall density. This fascinating adaptation allows fish to swim at different depths without expending excessive energy.