
Avaricious Meaning in Nepali

Nepali Meanings: लोभी, लोभपरायण, लोभीले भरिएको, लोभपूर्ण, लोभीले भरिएको

Part of Speech of Avaricious:

Part of Speech: Adjective

Pronunciation of Avaricious:


Avaricious Synonyms:

1. Greedy – लोभी

2. Covetous – लोभी

3. Rapacious – लोभी

4. Grasping – लोभी

5. Mercenary – लोभी

6. Mammonish – लोभी

Description and Origination of Avaricious:

Avaricious is an adjective that describes someone who has an extreme desire for wealth or material gain. It originated from the Latin word “avarus,” meaning “greedy.” Avaricious individuals are never satisfied with what they have and constantly crave more, often at the expense of others. This term is commonly used to criticize people who prioritize money over everything else and are willing to go to great lengths to accumulate wealth.


1. Generous – उदार

2. Selfless – निःस्वार्थ

3. Altruistic – निःस्वार्थ

4. Benevolent – उदार

5. Philanthropic – उदार


For more information on the word “avaricious,” you can visit the following links:

1. Dictionary.com

2. Wikipedia.org

3. TheFreeDictionary.com

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