all the while

All the While Meaning in Nepali

All the while is an English phrase that can be translated into Nepali as सबै अवधिमा or सबै बेलामा. It is commonly used to indicate that something is happening continuously or simultaneously with another action or event.


(awl thuh wahyl)

Part of Speech:


Nearby Words:

  • all (noun) – सबै
  • while (noun) – बेला
  • mean (verb) – मतलब गर्नु
  • continuous (adjective) – लगातार
  • simultaneously (adverb) – एकै समयमा


  • all along
  • all this time
  • all along the line
  • all the time
  • all along the way


The antonym of all the while in Nepali is अवधिमा नभएको, which means “not all the while.”


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