adhoc committee

Adhoc Committee

Meaning in Nepali: अनौठो समिति, अस्थायी समिति

Pronunciation: (ad-hok kuh-mi-tee)

Part of Speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • Adhoc (adjective) – अनौठो, अस्थायी
  • Committee (noun) – समिति
  • Temporary (adjective) – अस्थायी, अनौठो
  • Interim (adjective) – अस्थायी, अनौठो
  • Provisional (adjective) – अस्थायी, अनौठो


  • Interim Committee
  • Provisional Committee
  • Temporary Committee
  • Special Committee
  • Advisory Committee

Antonyms: स्थायी समिति (Permanent Committee)

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Adhoc committee refers to a temporary or provisional committee formed for a specific purpose or task. It is not a permanent committee and is usually dissolved once its objective is achieved. The term “adhoc” means “for this purpose” or “created for a particular need” in Latin. In Nepali, it is translated as “अनौठो समिति” or “अस्थायी समिति.”

An adhoc committee is often established to address urgent matters, make decisions, or provide recommendations. It can be formed in various fields such as politics, organizations, or government bodies. The committee’s composition and duration are determined based on the specific requirements. Adhoc committees play a crucial role in handling time-sensitive issues and ensuring efficient decision-making processes.

Some synonyms for adhoc committee include interim committee, provisional committee, temporary committee, special committee, and advisory committee. The antonym for adhoc committee is a permanent committee, translated as “स्थायी समिति” in Nepali.