
Attitude? Meaning in Nepali

In Nepali, the word “attitude?” can have several meanings. Some of the meanings include रवैया (noun), ढँग (noun), भावना (noun), मनोभाव (noun), and रुचि (noun).

Part of Speech of Attitude?

The word “attitude?” is a noun.

Pronunciation of Attitude?

The pronunciation of “attitude?” is [at-i-tood, -tyood].

Attitude? Synonyms

Some synonyms of “attitude?” in English include posture (रवैया), demeanor (ढँग), sentiment (भावना), mindset (मनोभाव), and inclination (रुचि).

Description and Origination of Attitude?

Attitude is a term used to describe a person’s way of thinking, feeling, or behaving. It refers to the individual’s outlook or perspective towards something. The word “attitude?” originated from the Latin word “aptitudo,” meaning “fitness” or “aptitude.” It gained popularity in the English language during the 17th century.


Some antonyms of “attitude?” in English include indifference (उदासीनता), apathy (उदासीनता), passivity (निष्क्रियता), disinterest (उदासीनता), and detachment (अलगाव).

To explore more about the meaning and usage of “attitude?,” you can visit the following websites: