Artless Meaning in Nepali: निर्माणशील, निर्माणरहित, निर्माणरहित, निर्माणरहित, निर्माणरहित
Nearby Words:
Noun: Artlessness (निर्माणरहितता)
Adjective: Artlessly (निर्माणरहित)
Adverb: Artlessness (निर्माणरहितता)
Part of Speech:
Artless Synonyms:
Simple (साधारण), Naive (अनुभवहीन), Innocent (मासूम), Unsophisticated (अनुभवहीन), Genuine (वास्तविक), Natural (प्राकृतिक)
Description and Origination of Artless:
Artless is an adjective that describes someone or something as lacking artifice or deceit. It originated from the Middle English word “artles,” meaning “lacking skill or knowledge.” In Nepali, it can be translated as “निर्माणरहित” or “निर्माणशील.” An artless person is often seen as innocent, genuine, and unsophisticated. They may lack the ability to deceive or manipulate others. Artlessness can also refer to simplicity or a lack of complexity. Overall, artless individuals are often admired for their authenticity and sincerity.
Crafty (कपटी), Deceitful (धोखेबाज), Cunning (चालाक), Manipulative (मार्मिक), Sophisticated (अनुभवशाली)
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